Never be out of the loop!

Between the end of Daylight Savings Time (Fall) and the Spring, the weather often dictates whether (when) we are riding.
To allow for easy communication to see who is riding and possible change in start time, we have set up three GroupMe chats. To post or respond, a person sends a text to the appropriate phone number which is received by all members of the group chat.
Monday Leisure Ride | (972) 665-7771
Tuesday Morning Ride | (931) 228-0298
Wednesday or Weekend Rides | (832) 543-7469
To be added to any of the group chats, please send an email to with your name, phone number, and which group(s) you would like to join. After you have been added, you need to respond with #stay.
The GroupMe service is free; but you may have to pay to send/receive text messages (depending on your cellular plan). If this is a concern, you can install the free GroupMe app on your phone, and use to post and receive notifications via your data plan.
More detailed instructions for managing your participation in the GroupMe chat are provided below.
Text these commands to the phone number for the chat (listed above):
#stay | After joining the group send this to stay in the group
#add [NAME] [PHONE] | Allows current group members to add new group members. For example, #add Pat 5551234567 will add the number (555) 123-4567 to the group with the name PAT (new members must respond to the group at least once in order to stay in the group or text #stay which doesn't send a message to the entire group
#list | Shows a list of names of members of the group
#name [NAME] | Sets your name so that others know who you are. For example, #name John will change your name to John (this command only changes your name for that specific group)
#mute / #unmute | Mute and unmute receiving messages from a group
#exit | Automatically removes you from a group
To see a complete list of SMS Commands >>
Communicate/join with the individual groups using the following links:
Direct Messages | GroupMe is great at the group-based chat; but it can also do direct messages. To get started, open the app and click on the edit icon to, then select, [SEND DIRECT MESSAGE]
Share your location | Sharing your location or a specific location within a group can be super useful. Send a message to the group with your location as an attachment. More detail instructions are available here.
Add member to a group using iBeacon | iBeacon is a useful feature when you’re physically with someone or a group of people and you all want to join the same group in GroupMe. However, it is an iOS only feature. Make sure Bluetooth is enabled for the GroupMe in your Privacy settings. When you go to add a member you will see the option to add nearby friends. More details are available here.
Add a poll | Sometimes you need to know what everyone in your group thinks about a certain topic, or maybe you just need to vote on where you’re meeting for lunch. They’ve made it super easy to do this by allowing you to create your own polls in GroupMe. To create one, click on the paperclip/plus icon, then look for the poll icon and click ‘create new poll’ to get started. Add your poll options, then set an end date for the poll. More detail instructions are available here.
Use @Mentions | Sometimes you need to get another group member’s attention, so you can mention then in a chat and they will get a notification. Simply type ‘@’ in the chat window and a menu will popup that lists group members you can mention. Once selected, type out your message to them and they will receive a mobile notification, if enabled on their end.